We are passionate about seeing women shed every hindrance and run forward into who they are meant to be. We want to help women encounter the power of God in every aspect of their lives. We are all about the daughters of God receiving renewal and revelation in the following areas:

  • Love

    If we could only pray one thing over you, it’s that you’d encounter the vast and personal love of God. He’s so much better than you think.

  • Hope

    Know that there is so much MORE available to you. Jesus promised that he came to give you an ABUNDANT, FULL life. Any area you are settling for less in needs God’s intervention.

  • Freedom

    Are you still carrying some habits or addictions you wish you could break free of? still dealing with past hurts or trauma? Jesus has complete freedom in store for you, and we want to help you experience it.

  • Identity

    Friend, you’ve been placed on earth for a purpose. We celebrate your worth, value, your unique gifts, calling, and strategic purpose on earth. And if you don’t know what your gifts or purpose is, we want to help you find it!

  • Creativity

    We celebrate the unique expressions of God’s heart that are released when you step out of your insecurities and create with God. What would happen if women created without fear or comparison?

  • Unity

    Healed women walking in wholeness and championing one another can change the world. Unity releases healing, but it can be hard to find. Women are a powerful force when they sincerely celebrate each other.

  • Bride

    We will help you be ready for Jesus’ return! We will face the future without fear. Together we will become the Bride that he deserves by learning how to keep our lamps full of the oil of intimacy with God.