We celebrate the unique expressions of the Father’s heart that are released when women step out of insecurity, create with God, and move into their destinies, unhindered.
Music and art connect our spirits to God in ways that mere words cannot do. Creating with Holy Spirit is an adventure that can powerfully communicate His heart and release His kingdom on earth.
Music for Encounter
In January of 2021, I (Courtney) was playing the piano in my morning time with God. I was thinking about my friend's son who was being tormented by thoughts of suicide. I interceded for him as my fingers moved over the keyboard. My friend's son had been adopted, and he was believing some lies. He felt abandoned by his birth family and like he didn't belong in his adopted family.
As I played and prayed, I recalled Galatians 4:4-7 which tells us that God sent his son, Jesus, to redeem us, so that we could receive "adoption into sonship". This means that those of us who believe in Jesus as our Savior are no longer orphans, or slaves, but beloved children of God. We are daughters and sons and also heirs.
You have been chosen. You are wanted. You are not an orphan.
I could feel the anointing as I interceded through music, so I quickly turned on my recording software and continued to play and pray for the next 31 minutes. This song is the result.
God's presence was thick as I recorded this, and I pray that as you listen, you feel it too. I am praying that you will have a powerful encounter with God as you listen. I am praying that you know how loved and chosen you are.
This song is over thirty minutes long so that you have time to “soak" in His presence and really encounter Him. God knows what you need, so don't be surprised if you feel sleepy (that's his peace), weepy (that's his love and compassion), or even experience healing or deliverance in your mind, heart or body. PLEASE be sure to let me know how the music affects you!
“Not an Orphan” is also available for download on all major music platforms. Listen via YouTube, below, or use this link to find it anywhere: